Monday 14 February 2011


They didn't give us oars... :-(   The water was freezing! I had to use every limb possible to paddle my way back. Now in wheelchair. (I put flames on the side to make it look cool)

Whale Watching in Reykjavik, Iceland

I can now reveal where excactly we are, because the mafia have stopped following our journey. Went whale watching today, bit dissapointed, whale looked like man in a suit. still, my guide was happy (pictured left)
gonna go kayaking 2morrow! ( lets hope they give us oars)


Don't worry! that plane wasn't ours, we saw it as we came in for landing. Not the best sight to see... we are here now in  a nice hotel called hús af dauði, i think it means house of meth. (But the word begins with "d"?)

Monday 7 February 2011


We did get off the ground after 3hours. While we were in the plane above iceland we saw some stunning views, my friend was too scared holding onto his seatbelt to notice!...

I was slightly nervous i'll admit, knowing the reputation of iceland on flights...

I hope that the journey will go smooth from know on.

The start of my trip... oh dear

We turned up at a field somewhere in yorkshire, with a picture in our heads of the journey to come...
As soon as we saw the plane our minds turned to how the hell we were going to get there!
Some minor repairs were needed, they said...